About Kamilah S. Autmon's Shop

Chicago, IL
This shop is:
Women Owned
Minority Owned
Black Owned
born/raised/living in chicago. sarcastically humorous and quiet, very quiet. i am an artist, aspiring filmmaker, photographer, graphic designer, and everything else with a double major and a minor.

some art worker [suhm ahrt wur-ker]
noun formal
chicago artist, filmmaker, photographer, graphic designer, and everything else.
born/raised/living in chicago. sarcastically humorous and quiet, very quiet. i am an artist, aspiring filmmaker, photographer, graphic designer, and everything else with a double major and a minor.
i look forward to having a café/restaurant/gallery/theater. i love movies and music (i could literally make a movie that essentially is a soundtrack of my life). an avid video game player since the age of 8. i have one good stupid human trick *shhh*. i actually like science and math. i watch the stock market and cartoons. i can figure out anything. i eat healthy. i also have a few collections.
hi, my name is kamilah s. autmon. i'm someartworker.
peruse the rest of the official website: http://www.someartworker.com to see some of my work. i have magic. thanks.